MenoHerb Monograph

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The MenoHerb Monograph is a technical booklet containing technical product specifications including research evidence for healthcare professionals.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) granted Schwabe Pharma UK Ltd a Traditional Herbal Registration Certificate for the traditional herbal medicinal product MenoHerb® Black Cohosh film-coated tablets (Traditional Herbal Registration Number THR 23056/0003) on 26th June 2007. This product is available without a prescription and can be bought from pharmacies and other outlets.

The active ingredient of MenoHerb® Black Cohosh film-coated tablets comes from the roots and rhizomes of the plant Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt (Black Cohosh). MenoHerb® Black Cohosh is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the relief of symptoms of the menopause such as hot flushes, night sweats and temporary changes in mood based on traditional use only.

This registration is based exclusively upon longstanding use of the extract from the roots and rhizomes of the plant and not upon data generated from clinical trials. This is because there is no requirement under the Traditional Herbal Registration Scheme to prove scientifically that the product works.

However, there is a large body of published clinical and pre-clinical evidence relating to Cimicifuga racemosa L. Nutt (Black Cohosh) that forms the basis of this monograph, which should be read in conjunction with the current Summary of Product Characteristics.

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